Travel advice
Travelling soon? Stop into Queen Street Pharmacy for all your pre-departure needs. From health care and medicine requirements to vaccines and passport photos, we can help make your trip as enjoyable as possible by being prepared.
Call into the pharmacy today or contact us
Passport photos
Queen Street Pharmacy offer a quick and convenient digital photo service that meets online and postal passport requirements.
Our team is trained to ensure your passport photos adhere to New Zealand Government regulations, and we offer a money back guarantee of acceptance by the Department of Internal Affairs.
Printed photo $20
Emailed photo $20
Printed and emailed $25
Queen Street Pharmacy photos are:
E-gate biometric compliant
100% compliant with the NZ Department of Internal Affairs standards
100% compliant to the International Civil Aviation Organisation standards
General travel advice
Whether it’s a well-earned holiday or a business trip, we recommend consulting your Queen Street Pharmacist 6-8 weeks before travelling to discuss the following:
Any health concerns present in the country to which you’re travelling
Any vaccinations or treatment you may need before you leave
Medication you should take with you
Booking vaccinations
It’s important to check with your doctor that all your routine immunisations are up-to-date such as influenza, tetanus, measles, and polio vaccinations.
Prescription medications
There are different rules on the types of medications you can take into different countries.
If you need to take medications with you, check the regulations that apply by visiting the website of the embassy or high commission of the country you are visiting.
If you are travelling with large quantities of medication, ask you Pharmacist to give you a letter explaining why you are carrying the medication. You may also need one from your doctor.
Build a basic first aid kit
A well stocked first aid kit is a valuable resource when travelling, and should include:
Directions on how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Adhesive tape
Alcohol-free cleansing wipes
Antibacterial cream or ointment
Antihistamine tablets
Disposable gloves (at least 2 pairs)
Cotton buds
Crepe-rolled bandages of several widths
Eye pads (2)
Gauze swabs
Instant cold packs
Non-stick dressings and wound pads
Pain relief tablets
Plasters of various sizes
Plastic bags for the disposal of contaminated materials
Safety pins
Scissors and tweezers
Skin rash cream (eg hydrocortisone 0.5% cream)
Sterile saline and water
Digital thermometer
Triangular bandage
Wound closure strips
Anti-diarrhoea medicine
Insect repellent
Tips for when you are away
If hygiene standards are questionable, only eat food that has been thoroughly cooked and only drink bottled or packaged cold drinks
If the water quality is doubtful, boil drinking water or use water purification tablets and avoid ice in your drinks
Take sensible precautions, for example, in areas where there is a malaria risk, cover yourself well and use insect repellent
Carry medicines in your hand luggage in case your luggage is lost
Wear a medical alert bracelet if you have allergies or a chronic illness
If you are treated overseas for illness or injury, obtain a full written medical report for your insurer or for ACC
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