Men’s health
At Queen Street Pharmacy we offer discreet and confidential consultations with our trained Pharmacists who are able to prescribe sexual dysfunction medication. Book a consultation
What is Erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence. It means you can't maintain an erect enough penis for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Many men have erection problems at times and the chance of this happening increases with age.
Erectile dysfunction is not a disease, but a symptom of some other problem, either physical or psychological or a mixture of both.
It can be distressing and may cause loss of confidence and self-esteem or depression, as well as relationship problems.
There are several solutions, but recognising the problem and talking about it with your doctor are the key first steps.
You can help yourself by cutting down on alcohol, stopping smoking and reducing the stress in your life.
The good news is that sildenafil also known as Silvasta, Viagra or Vedafil can be purchased without a prescription at Queen Street Pharmacy following a consultation with a trained pharmacist to determine eligibility for supply. Your first consultation will take about 20 minutes and will include a short health check and blood pressure check. Repeat supplies will only take a few minutes to supply, provided your health hasn’t changed since.
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